I am a sucker for Little Tikes. I love their line of toys for outside play. We own the pool, which we bought for our dog Blue 11 years ago, and we own this playset the wave climber, that we got at a garage sale for $60.00,

We have owned the tool table and some kitchens through the years, and have since passed them on. Currently I am on the hunt for a kichen for Scott.
I remember visiting a friends niece pre marriage, I had no kids of my own. This girl had the coolest dollhouse that was from Little Tikes and actually had scaled down versions of the larger Little Tikes toys. Now that I have kids of my own, they have stopped making that dollhouse. You can still find it and the toys on ebay, and at garage sales. Look at how cute these are, check some of these out. That's our picnic table, coupe car and I have seen that kitchen in many a playroom.

So I can't entertain my desire and easily acquire these toys, though they would be a great investment cause years down the road there will still be a market for the toys. Pending their condition you could turn around and sell them on ebay and probably get what you paid for them. I am just saying...
Lo and behold, I found in a magazine a review of this little diddy. The Little Tikes Turtle mealtime set.

I promptly checked the local retail stores, Target and Walmart, Babies R Us and Toys R Us, with no such luck I could not find it....Until I froogled (Google.com/shopping) and found it on amazon.com . To qualify for free shipping I ordered three, gave one to my neighbor for her first birthday, kept one for Scott and figured I'd give one away. Leave me a comment about your little tikes toys and I will pick a winner at random on Sept.19th at 12:00am.
eta remember to either come back and check to see if you won or leave an email addy that i can notify you at...
Thanks, Suzanne
and the winner is....

congratulations Sharon
email me your address and I'll send this off to you in the mail...
you'll have 5 days to do so or i'll pick another winner at random...
thank you everyone for your comments.
Between Little Tykes and Playskool, it's a tie here. I took pics of my Little Tykes stuff that we have. I'll send 'em to you in an email. They definitely have the market on making indestructible toys.
That is too cute! I love Lil Tikes, and we have the full sized turtle sandbox, and my MIL has the Coupe cars. They really hold up well and are great garage sale finds!
We're a big fan of Little Tikes around here and almost all of them that we own are from garage sales. I think my best purchase was a Little Tikes Pink Patio Playhouse that is no longer made. I don't have any good pictures of it but I found someone's ad on Craigslist (http://bit.ly/Eezu9) that shows it well. (If their ad gets taken down, you can see a little picture here too http://bit.ly/D1xvY)
Mine was off Craigslist as well, for $25. Seriously, $25. And the guy was so nice that he realized we were going to have a hard time taking it all apart to fit in the back of my car so the next day he loaded it in the back of his truck and brought it to my house... for free. I tried to pay him a little more but he wouldn't take it! My two little girls are going to play with this thing forever.
We have the Coupe Car!
Oh, how awesome would this be! I have a one year old little girl and another baby on the way. We are starting to get into needing Little Tikes stuff. The one thing we did purchase this year, and I love it so far, is the new square picnic table with seating all around for eight kids. We got it so that her cousins and friends would have a table of their own to sit at for her birthday party. Otherwise, we have always had plenty of other items while the family has grown up and they all have lasted!
Also love Little Tikes! We have the Cozy Coupe (also found at a rummage), the sand turtle (rummage) a couch (freebie) and a kitchen playset (rummage). They definitely last and that's a must around here!
I recently acquired the same push/ride on car that you have but it was faded and such but only cost a $1 at an estate sale and it has been my daughter's favorite toy! I love their stuff and that plate would be perfect for my daughter's birthday.
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I love Little Tikes, my favorite is the coupe car. I'm hoping to get my daughter the slide for Christmas.
My sons favorite toy was the push/ride on car.
this is so cute my niece would love this
I have bought so many Little tykes things over the years but the most memorable one which I have handed down ater buying my son 15 years ago is The red twin size race car bed.; I paid $400 back then. I wonder how much it is now. It's still going strong 3 kids after him.
I always loved the dollhouse furniture but it's so expensive on ebay! My daughter really enjoys her push and ride trike and I still remember the turtle sandbox that we used as a toy box when I was a kid
aahaft at gmail dot com
Sharon won the little tikes mealtime set... please email me your address and i'll pop it into the mail for you.
thanks suzanne
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