I am very excited to launch my new look for my website. Please check it out here
It's been a couple of years since I redesigned, so I wanted to use my blog as a platform to announce the new look. If you are visiting thanks to my email blast, Thank you, I have a freebie for your time.
I have been designing Holidays cards and was inspired to take the same drag and drop approach to my digital scrap booking kits. I will provide layouts, two 12 x 12 pages, where all the elements will be on a separate layer, and you can easily drag and drop your photos into the existing layout, customize as needed or, use the different elements from the kits as you see fit.
My kits will still be A thru Z themed, with the intent to post a new kit weekly, starting with A is for apples, B is for butterflies and C is for cupcakes. I will throw in freebies often to thank you all for visiting, and hopefully forwarding my info to your friends. This blog will have other giveaways than just scrap booking so look for that as well.
On my website, I have condensed the info and have a link to sign up for my email newsletter. I am using constant contact for my newsletters and email blasts. I also have a store on etsy.com where I list my digital designs for cards and my A to Z scrap booking kits. I am using carbonmade to display my portfolio, so visit that if you want to see examples.
If any of these vehicles interest you let me know and I will help customize them for you and your needs.
facebook and I have become quite friendly and I am dabbling in having a page there for Blue Daisy Graphics. A link is in the sidebar if you want to become a fan.
Here is the freebie I promised, from my A is for apples kit.

click on the image to take you to a link to download the compressed zip file.
to receive more updates signup for my email newsletter.
Thanks for supporting me.
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